Monday, January 7, 2008

My Bone to Pick with the Weather...

It is early January and yesterday it went up to 70 degrees! It felt like Spring and while Cash, Russ and I enjoyed being outside I was disappointed as I had planned to make a pot roast for dinner but it just didn’t feel right with the warm weather. So, I decided to wait and make it when the weather turns colder. Today it goes up to 70 again! While the warm weather may still control what I wear I have decided will no longer be a factor in what we have for dinner. Well, I have been craving meat loaf for a while now and I decided that just because it feel like Spring outside today and is too warm for sweaters or fires that I am still going to prepare a hearty, winter meal tonight. The weather may have postponed the pot roast, but it won’t postpone the meat loaf, so take that weather!

This is actually a blog repeat as I have not just been craving meat loaf, but craving Cooking Light’s Chipotle Meat Loaf which I made earlier in the blog here. Russ and I both really like this meat loaf. It is nontraditional and a little firmer texture than more traditional ones, but it is packed with great flavors and a little bit of a kick. We topped it with Elizabeth’s Mom’s homemade ketchup which is super yummy and a perfect complement to the meat loaf. The only changes I made from last time were that included three chipotle peppers and I did the meat loaf in little individual pans. It was yummy and my meat loaf craving has been satisfied! Russ rates it a 9.

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