As I mentioned in my last post I was pleasantly surprised when Claire called and came down to my floor with a s

urprise of Amish Friendship Bread starter for me on Monday. I have always heard of things like this, but have never done one so I was beyond excited to give it a go. So, the way it works is that you take the starter and follow the directions on how to care for it which are basically to mush the bag for several days, then add flour, sugar and milk to it, then mush the bag for a few more days, and then add more flour, sugar and milk to it. At this point you then remove part of what is in the bag to make four new starters. Then you take what is left and add the remaining ingredients and make 2 loaves of delicious bread! So, I decided that instead of making 2 loaves that I would make 4 small loaves and deliver a small loaf with a starter to Jess, Elizabeth, and Sumner. I kept one starter to make t

he bread one more time, so if anyone wants their very own starter give me a holler or post a comment to make your claim. I already have one claimed (Ken, that’s you), so there are three left up for grabs this next go around.
The bread is delicious! It is moist and sweet and savory all at the same time. It really works well for breakfast or dessert (anyone noticing a theme with the breads I have been baking lately…. I can pass them off as not dessert, but they really can count as dessert…). I love the cinnamon in the bread and think it adds a savory component to it and balances out the sweetness. I am looking forward to making it again in about 10 days and then I think I will stop and hope that I’ll have my day made again by someone bringing me a bread starter! Thanks Claire! Russ rates the bread an 8.
Russ, you are a tough critic. That bread is a solid 10!!!
He is a tough one... good thing he's cute!
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