Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Maybe I do have a green thumb....

While I have cooked some recently, although not a whole lot, I have some exciting food related news to share! As I have mentioned before Russ and I are planning on having some work done on our backyard in the coming months and I have a spot already picked out for my herb and vegetable garden. Earlier this summer I decided that I didn’t want to wait on the yard to be complete to have a garden. So I used three large pots to plant herbs and vegetables. The herbs have done amazing and I have more jalapenos than I can handle, but my tomatoes and green peppers have been a little slower. A couple weeks ago my first tomatoes started turning red. I was ecstatic at first only to later be totally bummed when my new nemesis, the chipmunks, ate them! I was finally able to harvest three small, red tomatoes that the chipmunks hadn’t eaten earlier this week. We ate one on a salad the other night and used the other two on tacos last night. They were not only beautiful, but also very tasty!

This little success with my potted herbs and vegetables gives me a new found hope that despite the many plants that have died under my watch that maybe just maybe I inherited the family green thumb. My maternal grandparents both had green thumbs and had the most spectacular garden filled with flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. My mother, like her parents, has a green thumb especially with flowers. I have been hoping that I inherited this green thumb too and after harvesting and eating my little tomatoes the other night I am thinking that maybe I do have a little bit of a green thumb after all.

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